Select Your Perfect Plan

Save your time. Let us build your new ecommerce for you!
  • E-Commerce Design - One Time

    $ 1,050.00 USD One Time
    Order Now
    • All Features for E-Commerce Design Package

      Pay it now and get the Max Discount

      Immediate 100% ownership for the website, data and design

      You can host it at your server or take advantage of the FREE 12 months website hosting at ButumHost with 24/7 support

  • E-Commerce - 12 Months

    $ 99.95/mo
    Order Now
    • All Features for E-Commerce Design Package

      Pay it over 12 Months

      100% ownership for the website, data and design after completing the payments

      FREE 12 months website hosting at ButumHost with 24/7 support

      After 12 Months we can migrate your website to your server for FREE or you can stay at ButumHost server for regular monthly hosting plans upon your need and choice
  • E-Commerce - 24 Months

    $ 55.95/mo
    Order Now
    • All Features for E-Commerce Design Package

      Pay it over 24 Months

      100% ownership for the website, data and design after completing the payments

      FREE 24 months website hosting at ButumHost with 24/7 support

      After 24 Months we can migrate your website to your server for FREE or you can stay at ButumHost server for regular monthly hosting plans upon your need and choice